Kids Ministry

Inspiration Point Camp | 2025

At Hawley Lutheran Church, we encourage every child to attend Bible camp during the summer. There are many great experiences and opportunities for children to expand and grow their faith at camp, especially at Inspiration Point!

  • We cover half the cost for every child wanting to go to camp. 

  • To register, go to and click on the “Register” button. Fill out all the information and use the discount code (Hawley25) to receive 50% off summer camp registration.

  • Register for the grade your child will enter Fall 2025.

  • Hawley Lutheran Camp Group dates:

  • Trailblazers: July 20th - 22nd (1st - 2nd Grade)

  • Explorers: July 20th - 24th (3rd - 5th Grade)

  • Navigators: June 29th - July 3rd (6th - 8th Grade)

  • Senior High: June 29th - July 3rd (9th - 12th Grade)

  • We will provide transportation to and from Inspiration Point Bible camp for the weeks listed above.

  • *5 or more attendees needed each week for transportation to be provide

  • If those dates don’t work, sign up for the one that works for your family! Click Here to See the Camps Offered at Inspiration Point

  • Note: While we partner with Inspiration Point, we still sponsor all kids wanting to go to camp, as long as it is a Christian Bible camp. If your child registers to attend a different Bible camp, please reach out to the Church Office to get your campership.

Treasure Kids | PreK (age 4) - 4th Grade

Treasure Kids Ministry offers Sunday or Wednesday classes through the school year (September - May). Through the leadership of our Kids Ministry Director, Christian Education Team and committed volunteers, there are many opportunities for kids to grow in a faith focused on Jesus.

If you are interested in being a part of this ministry that guides and educates our kids, (and helps us grow along side them) contact Hawley Lutheran Church.

Sunday | 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday | 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

2024-2025 Kids Ministry Registration

CREW | 5th-6th Grade

CREW is specially designed for pre-teens. In this stage, pre-teens are starting to connect the dots, develop understanding and ask questions building on what they learned as children. Crew provides a space for them to grow in friendship, develop their faith through teaching and bible exploration and learn how faith applies in day to day life. They also participate in opportunities to serve.

Wednesday | 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

2024-2025 CREW Registration

Kids Ministry Events

Kids Ministry and Parish Education provides quarterly family events to foster relationships and reach out to our community. Our annual Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, Live Nativity and Easter Egg Hunt are fun for the whole family.