Adult Ministry

Bible Study Opportunities

Bible Insights: Bible Insights meets monthly. We study various topics, bible books, and series. New people are always welcome!

Monthly, Second Wednesday | 1:00 p.m. | Church Library | For everyone

In the Word on Wednesday: Join us as we explore The Purpose Driven Life. All are welcome and encouraged to join us for this study!

Weekly on Wednesday | 7:00 p.m. | Church Office Conference Are | For everyone | Contact James Odegaard (218) 790-3205.

Women of Faith: We will be starting the study "40 Days with Jesus | A Study On The Life of Christ” this fall - this is a workbook and discussion-based bible study. The study takes an in depth look at the life of Jesus including His birth, ministry, death and resurrection, ascension, and eternal reign. Join us in a journey to renew our passion for the good news of the gospel.

Monthly, Second Sunday | 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. | Starts September 8th | HLC Mary Marth Room | For Women of Faith |

Contact Amy Aakre (701) 212-0512 or

MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers): Coming this fall! Stay tuned for more info!

Monthly, Third Saturday | 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. | Starts September 21st | Fellowship Hall | For Moms with children age 5 & under |

Contact Megan Aakre (701) 893-6307 or Madi Johnson

HLS Women’s Bible Study Group: Our first bible study features a DVD: “ The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi,” by Kathy Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobol

Weekly on Thursday | 10:00 a.m. | Mary Martha Room | For Women of Faith | Contact Susan Fitzpatrick

Sermon Studies: We occasionally offer sermon series studies that coordinate with the worship.

Growing Young: Join Pastor Andrea for an adult study forum and book study during the fall sermon series. This study will take a deep dive into Growing Young. We’ll explore practical ideas to engage our younger generations, while also energizing the entire church. This book will challenge us to not only grow young, but to also reach beyond our walls.

Begins September 15th | 10:45 AM | Mary Martha Room